Singing Guide: Polo G

Singing Guide: Polo G

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're a fan of Polo G, you might want to learn how to sing like him. Polo G is known for his intense and emotional delivery, particularly on his more introspective tracks. Here are some tips and resources to help you learn to sing like Polo G.

Analyze Your Voice

Before you get started, it's important to analyze your own voice. This Singing Carrots article explains how to do that and provides some tips for improving your singing.

Discover Your Voice Type

Knowing your vocal range and voice type will help you understand how to structure your vocal exercises. This article explains what voice types are and provides tips on how to classify your own.

Breathing Basics

Good breathing technique is the foundation of good singing. This Singing Carrots article goes over the basics of active and passive breathing.

Vocal Registers & Vocal Break

Understanding vocal registers and how to work with them is key to singing like Polo G. This article explains what vocal registers are and how to negotiate your vocal break.

Breath Support

Good breath support will make it easier to hit the intense notes that Polo G is known for. This Singing Carrots article explains how to develop good breath support.

Open Mouth & Throat

Opening up your mouth and throat when you sing can help you achieve a fuller, more resonant sound. This article discusses why it's important to open your mouth and throat while singing.

Learn a Song Effectively

Once you know how to prepare your voice, it's important to learn a song properly. This Singing Carrots article explains how to learn a song effectively.

Avoiding Constrictions

Lack of breath support can lead to constriction in your throat. This Singing Carrots article explains how to avoid constriction when you sing.

Pop/Jazz vs Classical Singing

Polo G's style is more pop and rap influenced, but knowing the difference between pop/rap singing and classical singing can help you understand how to get the most out of your voice. This article discusses the differences between the two approaches to singing.

Now that you've got a general sense of how to improve your singing voice, it's time to start focusing on Polo G's unique style. Here are some useful resources to help you study up:

Songs Showcasing Polo G's Unique Vocal Style

Skill-Related Videos

Singing Carrots Tools

Remember, practice makes perfect! Use these resources to help guide your practice, but be sure to put in the time and effort necessary to improve your singing voice. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.